Back in the 60’s, my grandparents would invite our entire family to their cottage in Northern Ontario. At one family event, a close friend of ours introduced us to her new boyfriend Jimmy Hayes. Jimmy was a one man party. He would sing, dance, tell jokes and kept everyone entertained and in stitches. To me though, he was extra special as he also played drums.
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I’m publishing some of the rough drafts of pages from my forthcoming book, “Life’s Little Drumming Lessons”, Chapter: Sticking Theory and the Prime Rudiments.
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Paul Wertico has always gone above and beyond the established definitions of ‘What Jazz Is’
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Enjoyed listening to ‘Sherinian/Phillips Live’ so much that I must have played it over a dozen times…
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There were a few gremlins that the previous owner neglected to tell Mark about. The worst was that the two strainer thumb wheels were forced on, cross-threaded and frozen in place. This is when you need a good machinist or friend. In this case my good friend Al Schneider (the original Drum Doctor est. 1963) came to the rescue.
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…so I pulled the trigger. As it turns out, the seller was George Lawrence. I was familiar with George, due to his affiliation with George’s Drum Shop and Famous Drums, but I did not know him at the time.
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Beautifully Conditioned Slingerland 1950's Windsor Radio King Ensemble 6-N Drum Set, as shown in the 1955 Slingerland Catalogue in White Marine Pearl.
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The last day the shop will be open is Friday, October 27th with a sale to liquidate any remaining inventory sometime in mid-November. Many products have already been discounted on the website, with further discounts and sales to come.
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The following etude is a primary example of the idea that things sometimes look simpler than they are. It’s comprised of just quarter and eighth notes, but you have to concentrate in order to play from start to finish without stopping and, of course, without making a mistake.
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The ad is from the Sept. 10, 1952 issue of Downbeat Magazine
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One thing that I always admired about Buddy Rich was the way he set up figures. He had a way of announcing and drawing attention to horn lines that was absolutely beautiful.
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In 1977, Ludwig revived the legendary Black Beauty. Apparently, the drum was named by Paul Whiteman, conductor of the first performance of “Rhapsody in Blue” in New York’s Aeolian Hall. The drummer was George Marsh. He was playing his Ludwig and Ludwig Deluxe which Whiteman described as a “Black Beauty” because of its sleek black appearance and brilliant sound.
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A special limited edition version of Buddy Rich’s best-selling live album ‘Birdland’ will be released July 21, 2023 featuring an exclusive translucent red vinyl.
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Wow! I hadn't realized how long its been since I wrote anything up here. A short update: I'm still with REO Speedwagon, drum teching a mostly electronic kit (except the cymbals).
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Linear paradiddle exercises between the cymbal, bass drum, and snare drum.
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We’ve all at one time or another been advised to "just listen” and we would be told the answer to whatever it is that’s is confusing us..
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When Miles came to Boston to play Lennie’s on the Turnpike in 1967 my brothers and I were there. The band now included Wayne Shorter and Joe Henderson on tenors plus Eddie Gomez filling in
for Ron Carter. Needless to say, they blew the walls down. At one point Tony had played so hard that Miles jokingly threw a towel at him to wipe his face.
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Jim delighted a packed audience at the 2022 Chicago Drum Show by giving a clinic sharing his personal experiences throughout almost 4 decades in the drum business. I have transcribed Jim’s clinic below for those who were not able to attend and hope you will enjoy Jim’s wonderful anecdotes and shared life lessons
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a deal was struck with the Jacques Capelle company to produce drums under the Orange name. Capelle was founded in Paris in 1908 and was already well known for their uniquely designed bass drum pedals and hi-hats, which are still very desirable among collectors.
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