Not a lot of articles this month. I suspect some of the writers are still shoveling snow off their driveways, BUT, there are some great ones. Especially Ed Tucker’s review of the first snare drums released by the new Slingerland company! An exclusive for NSMD.
Read moreFrom Editor George Lawrence
I hope you all had a good holiday and didn’t get switches and ashes in your stockings! There are some great articles in this issue. Jim
Read moreFrom Editor George Lawrence
I am also finished with my book I’ve been writing for at least a year – “ The Missing Rudiments – Expanding the American rudiment system with missing and long forgotten fundamental snare drum rudiments, plus the new drum set unison rudiments”.
Read moreEpisode #3 Video; 5 minute lessons with George Lawrence - Garibaldi Sevens
Episode #3 of 5 minute lessons with George Lawrence. This is a linear groove that Steve Klink taught me when I was teaching at Fork’s Drum Closet in the nineties; The Garibaldi Seven.
Read moreFive minute Lessons with George Lawrence - 6 and 3 Stroke Rolls
Here is the first of 8 videos in the series "5 minute Drum Lessons w George Lawrence" shot at Memphis Drum Shop . We are publishing once a week on Saturdays. Hopefully there will be many more to come. This can also be found on Just scroll down the front page.
Read moreVideo of George Lawrence - "Groovin' in Memphis" video series w Chris Pat Brown
George Lawrence talking and playing with Chris Pat Brown at Memphis Drum Shop.
Read moreFrom Editor George Lawrence
I’ve been besieged more and more by “writers” wanting to contribute guest articles or editorials on ANY subject for FREE and all they want is a link to a gambling site or some other bs site. Riiiight.
Read moreFrom Editor George Lawrence
Every drummer has their idiosyncrasies about their kit. We appreciate the offer to help, folks, but just wait ‘til we have it all packed up in the cases. That’s when the heavy lifting starts.
Read moreFrom Editor George Lawrence
NEW mid monthly newsletter of DrumSellers listings and other classified info launching in March
My new Dave Garibaldi Signature Snare
I’m Looking for Leedy 30s Broadway Standard COB hoops
New cartoon and funny pics blog post
From the Editor - Ethnic Music, Mose Allison, Plus Tax
Then Mose turned to me and said, “Here’s the drum rap. No hi hat on two and four, no sidestick, and when you solo just play as long as you want to and you can either stop and I’ll start the rest of the song or you can try to cue us in.” OK, I’m thinking let me unlearn, in one night, everything I know about playing jazz drumming that I learned at North Texas State University .
Read moreFrom Editor George Lawrence
Sticking Theory - The Case of the Missing Rolls
I’m publishing some of the rough drafts of pages from my forthcoming book, “Life’s Little Drumming Lessons”, Chapter: Sticking Theory and the Prime Rudiments.
Read moreFrom The Editor
I was overwhelmed with the generosity of you subscribers who donated to NSMD during the first annual fund drive this past month.
Read moreFrom Editor George Lawrence
Happy New Year! Tootin’ my own horn and letters to the editor.
Read moreFrom Editor George Lawrence
Prices lowered on my listings at, and letters to the editor.
Read moreFrom editor George Lawrence
Drum Shows: The Music City Drum Show is coming up next weekend. July 9 in Nashville TN. The St. Louis Drum Show has moved into a much nicer venue In conjunction with the UMSL Music Dept. This year will be at the beautiful Touhill theater. The date is October 8. AND.. There is quite a drum show going on lately at Check out all the latest gear for sale that has been consigned to us by collectors.
Read moreFrom editor George Lawrence
*The death of 50 year old Taylor Hawkins last week stunned the world of drummers. Why was he so immensely popular and admired by drummers the world over?
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There are some major changes in the works for Not So Modern Drummer and Long range plans are to combine certain aspects and functions of both sites to add new features that will be very useful to our subscribers and readers.
Read moreLawrence Drums - Only three sets made

Before Joe Partridge and I started the Famous Drum brand (“You must have heard of us - we’re Famous!”), I built three sets of custom painted drums for a catalog of what was to be the “Lawrence Drum Company” and had some great pics made of the shells. This was in the early mid 2000s when I was building drums at George’s Drum Shop. I abandoned the Lawrence badge name in favor of Famous, but these drums were never badged.
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A few announcements…
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