How to Learn a Song in 10 Ounces of Caffeine or Less

Recognition vs. Recall
The goal is not to memorize the entire tune and arrangement. We just need to be able to identify and recognize the various sections as they come along. As long as we can follow the tune, the rest is just a case of getting organized. I like to develop a good understanding of the 'landscape' and leave the details until later. If I were to focus on the drum breaks, for example, I’d miss a lot of important information.

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Plastic Fantastic - 3D Printer drum parts

So, I have an invention. I wanted to get a prototype made from my sketches and got a quote of $250 to have a one 3D printed. I thought that was pretty good and I was all set to commission the work. Then I got talking to a friend who is a designer and mentioned the prototype and the cost. He said he’d just bought a 3D printer for $300. Well that was enough to send me off in a totally different direction.

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