Just how common are each of the wraps and finishes that Ludwig used during the 1960s? This study reviews data gathered from a representative sample of Ludwig Keystone badge drums produced from late 1960 through late 1969.
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Alex played a monstrous set with the core of the set centered on Simmons bass drums and toms with an acoustic snare drum and an array of Paiste 2002 cymbals. I had thought the Simmons drums sounded pretty cool and unique when the album came out that March but that night at the concert, the sound of those Simmons drums coming from the PA rattled my teeth and just exploded with low end. One round house fill around the toms sent chills up my 15 year old spine and it was then and there that I knew I wanted a set.
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In 2020, I traded a few Slingerland snare drums for this 1923 – 1926 Ludwig All Metal Separate Tension snare drum. It was in rough shape and needed a lot of work.
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This drum is a leftover 1930s Leedy 6.5”x14”, “Broadway Parallel”. The finish is blue and silver Duco, and is equipped with a solid, 1-ply maple shell.
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We are adopting each other, so to speak. Paul and Drumming News Network will be our official news channel and he will be publishing a NSMD article every Wednesday on his network.
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I’ve had these drums for a while but they were only seen on pages 148-153 in my book: VINTAGE SNARE DRUMS THE CUROTTO COLLECTION so here they are offered to a wider audience.
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DrummingNewsNetwork, Fund Drive, Archived articles
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The following article shows what I consider 40 basic two-way coordination patterns between the eighth note rock cymbal pattern and snare drum using sixteenth notes.
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1956 5.5x14, White Marine Pearl Classic Porto-Pak Snare Drum I recently purchased this drum from Donn Bennett’s Drum Vault in Seattle, Washington. Donn gave me a really good deal in exchange for some inside stories about a band called Moxy that I played with in the 70s. Donn was a big fan of that band, so when I mentioned I played with them we immediately hit it off!
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I had some first-hand experience with Tony Williams while attending the San Francisco Conservatory of Music in1965 and several years after that.
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Well, the hi hat tilter debate hasn’t actually ever started as far as I know, so I’m starting it! What is the correct side for the hi hate tilter screw; near side or far side?
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Like so many collectors, I regularly look through DrumSellers, Reverb, Ebay, Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace for vintage drums and cymbals. Early last summer, I came across a 1969-70 Slingerland Duet set in Green Sparkle (actually glass glitter), offered by someone who lived out near Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
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My problem is that I have read that the Pioneer also had 8 lugs, and I don’t know the difference between a Standard, Pioneer, and a Universal.
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In my early days of collecting I was drawn to engraved DeLuxes (Black Beauties) and out of the ordinary finishes. One of my favorite 1920s-30s finishes is Ludwig & Ludwig’s Peacock Pearl. Over the years I have tried to collect as many different “runs” of this finish. The following is what I have collected as of this writing. There are a few standouts that I will explain later in the article.
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George teaches private lessons at his studio in Memphis Drum Shop and in his home studio in East Memphis. Remote Zoom lessons are also possible. He teaches beginner, intermediate, semi-pro and pro drummers.
Contact George at 330 338 6035, george@notsomoderndrummer.com for details.
Mr. Lawrence specializes in teaching adult drum set students at any level. Special “intensives” can be scheduled for one to three days.
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The Single Stroke Four, which I prefer to call the Four Stroke Ruff, is one of the most lovely-sounding rhythmic embellishments played by drummers when executed perfectly, either with brushes or sticks. And it is used quite often by most players. But the ruff is not easy to perform exactly right every time. I’ve heard even top-notch drummers mess it up once in a while. The exercises below will go a long way in helping any
drummer develop or polish up this wonderful rudiment.
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So, I have an invention. I wanted to get a prototype made from my sketches and got a quote of $250 to have a one 3D printed. I thought that was pretty good and I was all set to commission the work. Then I got talking to a friend who is a designer and mentioned the prototype and the cost. He said he’d just bought a 3D printer for $300. Well that was enough to send me off in a totally different direction.
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Scott Johnson’s Drum Tuning Bible has been on the www for probably 25? years. I am publicizing this because it is an exhaustive resource and very useful to those who have questions about tuning drums. Johnson writes about every possible method of tuning, head choices and combinations, and dampening devices without bias toward any of them.
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Whenever I buy one of these “beautiful ugly duckings”, I plan on playing it and using it for at least a while before passing it on to some other vintage drum geek who just can’t live without it. I remember a crowd of drummers at one of the Chicago Drum Shows laughing at me as I walked out of the building with a brand new Remo PTS “fiberboard” drum set that I bought at the end of the last day for $100. Man, I got my money’s worth out of that kit..
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As I drove the 45 minute drive, it felt like I was getting further and further away from any civilization. Whoever this person was lived pretty far out in the middle of nowhere. As I approached the house, it was kind of a run-down farmhouse and there were chickens and other livestock roaming about the yard. A big guy with a long white beard and a pair of overalls came out to greet me. He actually reminded me of Uncle Jessie from the Dukes of Hazzard and explained that because of his line of work, his hand were messed up and he had not played drums in years.
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