Like many of you, I've come upon a good number of orphan drums through the years of collecting, buying and playing. This kit consists of orphan drums that were either included with kits purchased or just purchased to add on. But some with the hopes to piece an entire kit together (which is still possible!). But what is special about these drums is that they are all very rare and hard to find sparkling pearl wraps in pristine condition by the Great American Drum Companies of yesteryear.
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I'm a stickler for clean technique and a clean sound. I like to hear every stroke, every tap, every nuance, so I spend a lot of time on articulation to enhance my control and to refine my sound. And then someone like Stanton Moore comes along and raves about something he calls “the slop”. You can hear it in his playing, especially in his second line shuffle, where the strokes seem to just slosh around joyously. And boy does it cook!
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All my items I have listed on have been repriced with “or best offer”. This includes all snare drums, drum sets, cymbals of mine and of those consigned to me by Steve Johnson, Tom Boyle, John Dittrich, and Jason Cooper. Well over 300 cymbals, 50 snare drums and several drum sets. This
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In the future, Facebook will become obsolete and be replaced by a new internet site or other technology yet to be discovered. Don’t think so? Have you looked at your MySpace page lately? The information and knowledge you pass on to other drummers may be lost to the ages one day.
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The term beater is usually applied to old cars that are beat up and butt ugly but are reliable and run well enough to get you to work and back. I’ve had several beater kits over the years that fit that description. You know - that beat up old kit that you take to that outside festival gig in case it rains, or to the “jam night” gigs instead of taking your nice kit. You don’t care if it gets rained on, or if beer gets spilled on it, if someone else plays it, or if it gets scratched up – it’s already scratched up.
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Joel explains how the swing ride pattern is played differently at different tempos.
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…how did this Leedy wrap from 1940-41 end up on a 1951 Leedy & Ludwig snare drum?
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Now remember I am Canadian so when you total up my bid, the exchange, shipping and duty the
drum cost me CAD $2860.41.
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Herbie Hancock taught me when I was young to follow my own light - not to get caught up in the latest thing, fad or person.
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My good friend Matt Brennan owned this set. He had purchased it at the Chicago drum show a few years ago. He fell in love with them just like I did when I saw them for sale on Facebook. He had enjoyed having them and had replaced the heads. He had cleaned them up to a very nice level and had also played them some. They are not the set you would gig on every week, but for special occasions they are the ticket. Matt had bought a car that he wanted to restore and he looked around at his treasures to see what he could turn in to cash for the project. I have done it many times myself. I have also sold things I wish I had kept.
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The first book-length study of its kind, Drumsville! The Evolution of the New Orleans Beat is a companion to the New Orleans Jazz Museum exhibit that traces the history of drums and drumming in New Orleans from Native People to today. A main goal of Drumsville! is to provide the keys to understand how this legacy led to the creation of the drum set, an instrument so pervasive that few people question its origin
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For many years my wife put up with 50 snare drums on stands in the dining room and 200 snare drums on custom shelves in the entry way of our home so a new kitchen, dining room, living room and master bathroom were long overdue.
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*A little Marvel Model history from Rob Cook's book THE LEEDY WAY: "The
Marvel Snare Strainer was Leedy's first attempt at a strainer that would
keep the snares under tension when released.
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I was always totally enthralled by Tony Williams’ playing. Ever since I was first aware listening to him on Herbie Hancock's "Maiden Voyage" I was a total fan... Absolutely stunned by his depth, feel, and creativity. Also, he seemed completely fearless and willing to just completely throw it out there when the spirit hit him
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Prices lowered on my listings at, and letters to the editor.
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Legendary drummer Mike Clark’s latest CD titled ‘MIKE DROP’ is another powerful example of just how incredible a player he is. Featuring Michael Zilber on saxophones, Matt Clark on piano, with Peter Barshay on bass…It was recorded at Oakland, California’s 25th Street Studio where the sound and clarity is amazing… According to Mike, most of the tunes were first takes - just the way he likes it.
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Tony's band, Lifetime, was playing at Ungano's, so I went to check them out. I had a seat about six feet from Tony's left side, and not only was the band incredibly loud in this little hard-surfaced bar, but I walked away thinking Tony was playing a different instrument than I was. I don't think I learned or understood one thing he was playing... Just simply ferocious and amazing playing!
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This study reviews data gathered from a representative sample of Stop Sign Badge and first version Square Badge Gretsch drums produced from about 1970 through about 1981
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And even if a band or an individual wants to perform, they must find a protected place, like an underground club or cafe. No matter how big, the number of opportunities went down for all musicians.
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Olympic Drums in Portland Oregon has a wonderful selection of vintage drums for collectors and players alike. I recently purchased 3 Ludwig & Ludwig snare drums that particularly caught my eye. The New Era, Stipelgold and Gold Flash were rare finds and perfect additions to my wood snare drum collection.
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