I purchased one catalog cover of three for sale by accident thinking it was a whole catalog for only a couple dollars. Then a lightbulb went off - I’ll make a framed piece of artwork!
Read moreEdward Tucker’s Catalog Corner- WWII Leedy Dreadnaught

In today’s corner I present to you one of the rarest catalogs from one of the most difficult eras to find any drum catalog from, early 1940s World War II.
Read moreLudwig/Slingerland/Leedy orphan set - rare sparkling pearls

Like many of you, I've come upon a good number of orphan drums through the years of collecting, buying and playing. This kit consists of orphan drums that were either included with kits purchased or just purchased to add on. But some with the hopes to piece an entire kit together (which is still possible!). But what is special about these drums is that they are all very rare and hard to find sparkling pearl wraps in pristine condition by the Great American Drum Companies of yesteryear.
Read moreClown Vomit/Frog-in-a Blender finishes, past and present
I saw this one at a NAMM Show in the late 1990s, maybe early 2000s. At that time Leedy was trying for some type of comeback. I got the drum from Sam Bacco who at the time was associated with Leedy. He told me that he located one long-lost piece of this material from Slingerland and there was enough material left over to make a Leedy Broadway Standard snare drum. Sam told me that the finish was made with melted guitar picks (you can see some un-melted guitar picks in the finish).
Read more1955 Leedy New Era Outfit

This is a 1955 Leedy New Era Outfit in excellent condition. This set is originally a 3 piece but I added a perfect matching floor tom from the 60’s to round out the kit. This is a great version of a small light vintage kit for the “jobbing” drummer. Easy to fit in the cabs and cars of yesteryear!
Read more1925 Leedy 4 X 14” Black NOB Multi-Model Marvel snare drum

This Multi-Model Marvel is truly a lovely drum and extremely well-preserved. The Marvel strainer works quite nicely and smoothly, applying even tension across all snares. So why do I think it wasn’t successful? First off, the bridge mechanism extends about 1 3/8” from the bottom. For snare stands of the time, this overhang could be problematic.
Read moreWWII Restriction 1943-1944 Leedy Dreadnaught Victor Set In White Marine Pearl

Please allow me to introduce you to my WWII Restriction 1943-1944 Leedy Dreadnaught Victor Set In White Marine Pearl. I usually can finish a full set restoration in approximately two weeks, this set took almost two months. 11”, 13”, 15” 26”, 6.5” x 14”. It is simply gorgeous now.
Read moreVintage 1929-30 Leedy Drum Set and Traps with detailed Explanations: The Frank Gomes Memorial Drum Set
In this video. Bob takes us on a tour of what instruments a pro drummer in the 1930s would be using and how they would be played. WARNING, Bob’s voice is very low and the drums are very loud, so keep your hand on the volume knob and play sound man.
Read moreGuide to Vintage Drum Identification - Leedy Lugs
In 1929, the Leedy Drum Company was sold to the C.G. Conn Company and a true innovation in lug design was introduced that year. Known as the “X” lug or “Box” lug, this new tension casing was attached to the drum shell from inside the drum with two screws.
Read moreGuide To Vintage Drum Identification - Overview
If you have ever found yourself looking at an old vintage drum and wondering, “What year was this made?”, or “When did they first use this type of snare strainer?”, or “What’s the name of this unusual finish?”, then this vintage drum guide may be of interest to you. The purpose of this guide is to help identify the various types, models, and features of vintage drums during the years 1923 to 1965. I consider this period to be the “golden age” of American drum manufacturing. This
Read more1965 Leedy Shelly Manne Outfit no. 11 in Sparkling Champagne Pearl

This installment of Vintage Happiness is on my first Leedy love. This was the first Leedy set in my collection and the one that made me buy several more Leedy sets!
I became a big fan of the art deco lugs and T-rods from this era. This is the era that many collectors refer to as the “Slingerleedy” period when Slingerland owned Leedy and manufactured these drums as well as Slingerlands from 1955 through 1966. This is a 1965 Leedy Shelly Manne Outfit No. 11 in Sparkling Champagne Pearl.
The set consists of a 14x20 bass drum, 9x13 tom, 16x16 floor tom, and the fantastic 5.5x14 Shelly Manne snare with the Broadway throw off. The drums also have the “chocolate milk” interiors, which is consistent with Slingerland manufacturing.
Read more1934 Leedy 5x14 Full Dress Broadway Parallel Snare Drum

I just got this drum from my good friend and fellow collector Mark Cooper. This drum came to me in excellent shape so very little was needed to be done hence the short story.
Read more1954 Leedy & Ludwig & "SlingerLeedy" set in sparkling blue

The floor tom is the real story with this set. I don't know the history concerning this set first hand, so I am going to put forth a guess as to why the floor tom is a matching Slingerland made Leedy drum. We all know that Bud Slingerland bought Leedy from Conn at the same time William F. Ludwig bought the Ludwig brand from Conn. This was in the mid 1950s. I believe someone had purchased this Leedy and Ludwig set in 1954 as a three piece set. That was not uncommon at all in those days. He later went back to the music store, maybe in 1956 and asked if he could purchase a matching floor tom for his set. By this time Slingerland was able to fill the order for the store to sell to the customer.
Read more1966 Leedy Shelly Manne Outfit No. 11 in Grey Agate Pearl
The set really has a unique look to it. I was unfamiliar with the wrap and when I was first sent the photos, I was immediately interested in the set. Further findings led me to see the Rogers version called Black Onyx. The drums were bought from a fellow vintage collector Butch Carlson who owns American Vintage out of Los Angeles. We had met at The Hollywood Drum Show years earlier and he also has provided me with the exceptional 1968 Ludwig Lemon Strata kit I wrote about in March 2016. Thanks again Butch!
Read more1930s Engraved Leedy Broadway Parallel
This is an awesome drum find. It is really amazing to find a survivor drum like this in original unmolested condition. Everything is there. The tension rods, washers, even the snare wires are original. This is truly a work of percussion art. It is a 1930s black nickle over brass 6.5"X14" engraved shell Leedy Broadway parallel with gold plated engraved hoops and hardware. I can't even imagine how beautiful this drum must have been when it was brand new almost 90 years ago.
from Catalog “O”: “Contrasting shades of gold always create a beautiful effect---so, here we have blended a satin and a bright Nobby Gold finish that attracts and holds the eye like magic. Drums such as these cannot fail to help you progress. ‘Full Dress’ finish Drums are not a fad---they are here to stay.” Once again I learned something new ; I always thought that “Full Dress” meant the diamond shaped (and other shapes) pearls and sparkles that were applied to the factory finish on a shell.
Read more2008 5x14 Leedy USA Custom Shop/Craviotto solid Mahagany Relic Series Special #1
Fred Gretsch still owns the Leedy name, and several years ago I asked Fred Gretsch if we could do some special Leedy USA drums using Craviotto solid shells. I liked the idea because Leedy was one of the companies that used solid shells for their snares at various times, and I thought it would be great to do some solid shell snares made in the USA with the Leedy name, but with Johnny Craviotto's incredible shells.
Read more1925-30 Leedy 5x14 #704E Black Elite Model snare drum - not engraved
Here’s the latest snare drum to enter into the collection. This drum was willed to me by a good friend who had passed away a few years ago. My friend’s wife was ready to sell some of his snare drums and she told me that her husband had specified that I was to be contacted in order to help her sell the drums. The drum in this article was originally found in “as is” condition in an antique store many years ago by my friend’s mother. The drum is in 100 % original factory condition.
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