Skip Hadden: Remembering Tony Williams

Several years later I had the opportunity to work at the same club as the Tony Williams Lifetime when they were touring and playing the music that was on the “The OLD Bum’s Rush,” recording. He already had the big yellow Gretsch kit by this time with the 24” bass drum and multiple toms. Each night over the course of the week the band gelled better and on the final night it was truly amazing. The entire night was smoking; one tune would have been worth waiting the week to hear, let alone the whole night.

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Last Flight Home - Todd Sucherman's Debut Solo Album

The album is not a flurry of prog rock drum tracks as one might expect but passionate and varied pieces composed by Todd and his creative partner, J.K. Harrison, with Todd on lead vocals. There are 10 great tunes, carefully sculpted and crafted to tease our emotions and draw us in. This phenomenal debut album is available on CDs, high-definition audio (.WAV), and signed and numbered 180-gram vinyl LP’s

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