My teaching studio was directly across the hall from his, where he was conducting group classes. I could hear him in there sounding like he sounded on all those Miles and Herbie recordings. Cool stuff. Because we were right there close, we started hanging out after our teaching sessions and basically just bullshitting about everything.
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“One of the most influential drummers of all time has passed. Jimmy Cobb, I have listened to you on ‘Kind Of Blue’ so many times when my head needed calming down and straightening out and uplifting”.
– George Lawrence
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With the passing of Jimmy Cobb this past month it is important to remember not only his most popular performance on Kind Of Blue, which defined “Cool Jazz”, but also his innovation and contributions in straight ahead be bop.
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But, Tony… Hearing him in that room. He would always start out with a solo piece and it felt like it was fight or flight— the hair would rise up on your arms. Primal. Scary. Loud. Resonant. Uniquely him, so much of his authentic self in every note… The coolest and the deepest 24” inch bass drum with three floor toms in THAT room. The softest whisper to the loudest roar… Grooving, swinging with explosive punctuations. The sound is seared into my memory for the rest of my life.
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On this past September 10th, National Public Radio’s Morning Edition program ran an intriguing feature titled: Not All “Lost” Jazz Albums Are Created Equal. It focused on several albums, either recently or about to be released, that contain previously unreleased material by iconic jazz artists like John Coltrane, Miles Davis, and Stan Getz. One of those albums was Both Directions at Once: The Lost Album, which featured material from 1963 recording sessions and reference tapes, and was released in 2018. Another is Blue World, set to be released on Impulse! Records on September 27. It features Coltrane recordings from 1964.
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We use FineArtAmerica to sell, print, frame, and ship our art for drummers. The link to our gallery at that site is Our first collection is that of Michael DeGruchy Haslam, a Canadian artist who has painted some very cool caricature portraits of famous jazz drummers. He is painting all the time so check back often to see what's new. Other images will be available very soon. In the slide show below are his current paintings available to buy: Philly Joe Jones, Baby Dodds, Elvin Jones, Tony Williams, Kenny Klook Clarke, Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich, Big Sid Catlett, Papa Jo Jones, Miles Davis/Sonny Rollins.
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