The Art of snare drum building is thriving. There were 22 drum badges from the largest manufacturers, established independent builders, and the builders new to the scene. The art and science of custom drum building has become big business over the past few years so there was some stiff competition.
Read more2014 Snare Drum Olympics Results
The results of the 2014 Snare Drum Olympics are posted at along with corresponding videos, info and click-to-buy links for select snare drums entered in the event.
The Snare Drum Olympics event was started by Not So Modern Drummer founder John Aldridge in 1998 as “basically an excuse to get a bunch of really cool drums into one room at the same time.” It has evolved into an international showcase for some of the best snare drums in the world. It is a huge publicity event that has been heavily promoted by the drum manufacturers, the major drum magazines, and online drum sites and forums. YouTube. Facebook, Twitter and other social media have added another big layer of publicity over the past couple of years. The new website was recently launched this year. Each drum has its own page with videos, info and an optional click-to-buy link.
The 2014 judges were Jim Riley, drummer for Rascal Flatts, Ben Sesar, drummer for Brad Paisley, Keio Stroud drummer for Big and Rich, Beth Gottlieb, percussionist for the Gary Sinise and Lt. Dan Band, and Scott Radock, pro NYC drummer. The judging was held at Jim Riley’s Drum Dojo in Nashville TN on October 16.
The snare drums were categorized by shell composition and judged in two events; objective/blind and subjective/hands on. The results are reported as the top three scores in each shell category in each event, as the top three accumulative scores of the two events, and as the top three scores of all the drums. Also reported are the results from the public judging at the 2014 Nashville Drum Show this past September.
Brands participating this year were:
David Lee Drums Chicago Drum Infinity Drumworks DTS Custom Snare Drums Taye Drums Hayward Custom Drums Hogchain Custom Drums Klemm Drums Rasch Drums Guru Drums Holloman Custom Drums Artisan Drum Works Swindoll Custom Drums Goodman Drum Company Castle Drum Company Laudo Drums Outlaw Drums Gretsch Drums Pearl Drums Eccentric Systems Drums Bello Drums Furcinitti Custom Drums RotodruM
For more information, visit
October 2014 - Thanks and Updates
Thanks to all of you who attended and/or exhibited at the Nashville Drum Show in September. For those of you who missed it we have a great pictorial article with photos from Rick Malkin and Bob Campbell. The show was a great success. There were three times as many exhibitor and vendor booths as the prior show and double the attendance. We hit a tipping point with the show this year and I think we may have to move to a hotel/convention center next year. Also, the drum industry gave a lot of credence to the event this year with many unveilings of new products including Gretsch’s new made in the USA Broadkaster kit that was introduced by Fred Gretsch and the guy who builds the Gretsch drums, Paul Cooper. Mothertone/Sleishman’s inverted bass drum set was demonstrated by Roy Wooten along with the Wooten Brothers Band.
Read moreNashville Drum Show 2014 Follow-Up
Thanks to all of you who attended and/or exhibited at the Nashville Drum Show in September. For those of you who missed it we have a great pictorial article with photos from Rick Malkin and Bob Campbell. The show was a great success. There were three times as many exhibitor and vendor booths as the prior show and double the attendance. We hit a tipping point with the show this year and I think we may have to move to a hotel/convention center next year. Also, the drum industry gave a lot of credence to the event this year with many unveilings of new products including Gretsch’s new made in the USA Broadkaster kit that was introduced by Fred Gretsch and the guy who builds the Gretsch drums, Paul Cooper. Mothertone/Sleishman’s inverted bass drum set was demonstrated by Roy Wooten along with the Wooten Brothers Band.
Read moreThe WWII Collection
"Here are a couple of pics of the World War II collection. The L&L is completely restored. The 1st version WFL (with the rolling bomber snare) werepurchased new, played for a year at home and put in the closet for 70+ years - they still have the original Calf heads on them. I am the 2nd owner. A BDP Rollin Bomber kit with a very rare 10" off set lug tom. I am the second owner as well. At the show I will also have a 1st version (Cecil Stupe design) WFL internal tune kit in WMP that I am restoring."
Read more1970s Camco Drum Set
Lately I have been bitten by the Camco bug. You might have been bitten by that bug yourself. There has been a rise in interest in these wonderful drums in recent times and I started wanting to own a Camco kit. I read the article about Camco drums here in the magazine with great interest. In the article the writer called them the "Stradivarius" of vintage drums. I have always thought they looked great, and wanted to own a set, so I finally made it a point to acquired a set for my collection. All the hype about these fine drums is true. They are very well built and sound fantastic. I think the first time I noticed them was when Dennis Wilson played a blue moire Camco set with the Beach Boys.
Read moreJune 2014 - Facebook Drum Groups, appraisals, drum show update
Facebook Drum Groups
Wondering where the vintage and custom drummers hang out now? FaceBook! There are some great facebook drum groups online. I subscribe to about 200 of them ranging from vintage drum type groups to drummers from certain cities. Some have thousands of members. These have not taken the place of drum forums but there are more Facebook groups on line than forum sites now. Just type in your interest, or just type in drummers into the Facebook search box and all sorts of groups will come up. Nashville Drummers is a closed group for working drummers in Nashville. It has 950 members that I am very involved with. There is another sister open group called Drummers of Nashville that anyone can join. There are similar groups in most cities and countries. Vintage and Custom Drums is an open group that NSMD started and administers. Our regular FB page is Not So Modern Drummer which has a lot of vintage content as well; swing by Nashville Drum Show for our official Facebook page and info center. I posted today on the Rogers Drums group in reply to Harry Cangany’s request to start a database of Rogers Dynasonic snare drum serial numbers, owners, anomalies, etc. Here is another group, Custom Drum Builders where I just put in my two cents about bearing edge sound characteristics. Bryan Herrman has a new group called Vintage Drummers that is really picking up steam. So that’s the real world stuff that’s happening on Facebook. Not on Facebook yet? Then you are an old fuddy duddy who probably waited years to get a cel phone and texting. Jump in, the water’s fine.
Do you know of others that we missed? We're sure there's more. Let us know and we'll start a directory here on the NSMD website.
“I didn’t know you did that!”
A friend of mine who subscribes to our monthly newsletter emailed me the other day and asked if I knew where to go for an “official” appraisal of his drum gear for his insurance company. When I told him that I write such appraisals regularly he was surprised to know that I did. A lot of what I and Not So Modern Drummer do isn't listed in bold letters on the front of the newsletter or the website but, yes, we do instrument appraisals, brokering of vintage and modern instruments, repair and drum building, sales of drum building tools and parts, marketing services like videos, email blasts websites and branding, distribution for percussion products... AND we publish specialty books about drums.
Drum Show Update
100 of 157 booths have been sold. The show will probably sell out over the next four months, so act now if you want to exhibit. We’ve signed on Bun E. Carlos and Rich Redmond for performance/clinic. The infamous drum lines from Nashville high schools will compete in a drum line battle. Also we have signed up many famous Nashville Drummers for the “Nashville Studio and Touring Drummers In The Round.” You can buy advance tickets at a discount AND qualify for the exclusive raffle prize for advance ticket buyers only.
2014 Nashville Drum Show and Snare Drum Olympics, Sept. 20 & 21, at the Nashville Expo Center.
George's Signature
(330) 338-6035
April 2014 - Drum Shows!
Upcoming Drum Shows
The Connecticut Drum Show is run by my good friend Rick Smith. He always has a great show with over 30 dealers and lots of consignments. This year’s show is Sunday, April 27, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Sphinx Shriners Center, 3066 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT, 06111. Admission is $15, under 12 and active military free. To contact about info email Rick at, or visit his website at Please support Rick’s show and thanks for advertising with us, Rick!
Not So Modern Drummer will be at the Chicago Drum Show on May 17 & 18, and we are bringing the Chicago Drum Company custom snare drum that we're raffling at the Nashville Drum Show. Come see us, and the drum, at Booth 81.
The Nashville Drum Show is September 20 & 21. This is our big drum show – 160 exhibit booths and hundreds of attendees. New performance series this year too! Buy an advance or VIP ticket and Win This Drum - be entered into the raffle to win the Chicago Drum Company custom snare drum.
The Snare Drum Olympics. No, we don’t throw them like the discus or sweep in front of them like curling stones. We set ‘em up, play ‘em, judge ‘em, record ‘em, video ‘em, publicize ‘em and drool over ‘em!
Info about all the above can be found at
We have some new writers this month. Roger Locke is a Camco expert and will be writing a regular column about what he and many other drummers think are the best sounding drums ever made. Paul Kneipp contributed an in depth feature article about the history of the Australian Drouyn Drum company. Chicago drummer Jason Batchko contributed a great article about a great thrift store find he made; a 1923 Conn engraved gold plated snare drum that belonged to Frank Biggs, a working Chicago jazz drummer and noted songwriter.
Check out some of the rare birds below that were posted in our free classifieds. Remember, our service is 100% FREE to both seller and buyer. Bookmark our site, as there have been some incredible deals already.
Circa 1976 Slingerland Chicago Radio King Model Ludwig Top Hat and Cane Swing Sensation Drum Set, 1941 Adrian Kirchler copper and brass snare 6.5 x 14
George's Signature
(330) 338-6035
Chicago Drum Co. "American Classic" 6.5x14
Chicago Drum Company American Classic Series with a "Red, White and Blue" finish. The shell is a 5 ply 3/8" maple/poplar shell, with 30 degree w/roundover edges. It features solid maple steam bent reinforcing rings, chromed steel stick saver hoops, 20 strand Pure Sound wires, and a 3 point vintage throw off. This drum really sings - and is a fine work of art.
Did you know you can WIN THIS DRUM? All you have to do is buy an advanced ticket to the Nashville Drum Show. Advanced ticket holders will be entered into a drawing to win this $800 drum. You do not need to be present to win, and advanced tickets start at $15!
To buy your ticket and enter this raffle, click here.
March 2014 - Lots Goin' On!
There is a new, free classified ads section on the website that I am excited about. When NSMD first started, it was a free classified ads paper for drummers to buy/sell/trade vintage, used, and custom drums. It was the Ebay of its day for used and vintage drum trading nationally and internationally. I don’t know about you, but I am tired of Ebay’s constantly increasing fees, limitations and restrictions; you don’t know the name of the person you are dealing with, you can’t take checks or money orders through Ebay anymore, they charge you multiple fees for posting, final value and PayPal, (you are forced to use Paypal which Ebay owns), and there is no recourse to negative feedback, etc. etc. Ebay has become “the man.” Craigslist is not much better because you can’t list in multiple cities, and you have buyers you don’t know coming to your house. And they both use anonymous email addresses.
The new NSMD Free Classifieds will address those issues. First, it’s free- YAY! Second, we are requiring all buyers and sellers to use their real names or business names and contact info. Third, we stay out of the middle and all communication is between the buyer and seller. The main advantage to listing your gear for sale here is that it is the most targeted audience for the drum market. 30,000 drummers, all drum addicts to some degree. It will be a trusted drum community market.
The Nashville Drum Show next September 20-21 is really shaping up. If you are considering renting a booth you need to act now while space is available. Registration forms are on the website now. We have already booked returning exhibitors and many new exhibitors. Space will run out at some point so contact us. We had announced in January that the show moving to a new facility but we ran into some logistics obstacles there, so we decided to remain at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds Expo Center. The show will be much bigger this year. We just decided this past week to book a second adjacent hall – so we have one 21,000 square ft hall for exhibitors and one 10,500 square ft. hall for performances, events and clinics. There will also be two outside playing areas where vendors and attendees can set up their gear for loud playing. Fork’s Drum Closet is returning this year and will be the official sales dealer booth for most of the major manufacturers. You can get all show information and buy discounted advance tickets at
Introducing a new monthly columnist– veteran drum collector Bob Campbell is writing “Every Drum Tells a Story.” The first installment is about my personal Not So Modern Drum Company Black Beauty that I had John Aldridge engrave. I sold it to Bob recently and it has an interesting story.
How am I doing? I need your feedback. Since I switched it from the quarterly print magazine to a monthly email newsletter, Not So Modern Drummer has undergone a lot of changes since 2012. It grew from less than 2,000 subscribers to over 30,000! I’d like to hear from you if you have any suggestions, criticisms, complaints about the content. I get a lot of nice emails from readers that are very complimentary but I need to hear the other side too. Are the articles to your liking? Are the newsletter and the website where the articles sit easy to navigate? Does my production manager need a raise? (sorry, George, I couldn't help it...) Is your steak cooked to your satisfaction? Please let me know how you feel about Not So Modern Drummer. I read your emails, I really do. And if you call, you’ll get the owner – me!
Thank You. Now go practice.
George's Signature
(330) 338-6035
January 2014 - Happy New Year!
Happy New Year... now get back to work!
The date and location of the 2014 Nashville Drum Show has been confirmed. The dates are September 20 and 21. The venue is the Global Mall Event Center in Antioch, a suburb of Nashville. More details to follow. Keep an eye on We are accepting reservations for exhibitor booths and for advanced tickets. Please email for more information.
Announcing a new event at the Drum Room, our Not So Modern Drummer headquarters here in Nashville TN. We are hosting the Nashville Drummers Swap Meet, Wednesday, January 8, from 1 until 8 pm. Attendance capacity is limited so we are not publishing the address, so if you are not a member of the professional Nashville Drummers Facebook Group and would like to attend please drop us a line - There is no admission, no booth fees, and no fees of any kind. It is a completely free event. What goes on at a drum swap meet? Buying, selling, trading of used drum gear and other musical gear, refreshments will be served, and a lot of drummer camaraderie will ensue.
In this issue, for your viewing pleasure, are more beautiful vintage and custom drums and a review of an unusual drum set made by Bello. I am also excited to welcome aboard two new writers who are well known in the vintage and custom drum world.
Robert Campbell, who has a serious collection of rare and collectable snare drums, shares with us the story of his Ludwig & Ludwig 1928 Gold Triumphal Snare Drum with engraved Wild Rose pattern, a rare bird indeed. The story involves Steve Maxwell, Bun E. Carlos and cites Mike Currotto and John Aldridge.
Our other new writer, Nick Hopkins, owner of Nick Hopkins Drums, a vintage drum shop in the U.K. Nick’s first article is about Premier drums from the seventies era. Thanks, Nick, we have needed an English correspondent.
Ronn Dunnett, well known drumsmith and owner of Dunnett Classic Drums and George Way Drums contributed a beautiful picture of one of George Way’s early instruments.
Also several great contributions from readers and press releases from the drum industry in the popular “Whatcha Got?” section.
Thanks for reading and remember, the drummer with the prettiest drum set gets the gig!
George's Signature
(330) 338-6035
November 2013 - Did you miss us?
Not So Modern Drummer had to take a hiatus while I was out on tour all summer playing four or five cities a week with Poco and other artists. I also took some time early this fall to hire a whole new staff, and to overhaul the business with a new website, this new newsletter and a new video studio where we are producing videos for our advertisers.
Our new production manager is Christopher Speich, who oversees the website, the monthly newsletter and email marketing. Chris Beals is the new advertising and media sales manager, photographer and videographer. They are both pro drummers here in Nashville and have professional expertise in their respective technical fields. I am still owner, editor and janitor, and I am working full time for the magazine for the first time since I bought it from Bill Ludwig III in 2008. NSMD was mostly a part time, one horse wagon since it began in 1988 but has now grown into my full time job with a full time staff right under my nose here in our Nashville office.
The original form of NSMD was a paper newsletter that later turned into a full color magazine, then into a digital magazine, and now we are back almost full circle as an email newsletter. The subscriber list is so much bigger now - over 30,000! That is up from less than 2,000 in early 2012 when it was still a paper magazine. We may print again at some point, but going to the digital format has allowed NSMD to do things that it could not do in the print format. For instance, we are producing videos for our sponsors. This is a recent demo video we performed and recorded for that was sent out to all subscribers recently, as well as an artist promo video we shot of Rascal Flatts' drummer, Jim Riley, for Booty Shakers.
Other great news - the Nashville Drum Show is ON for 2014! I am scouting new facilities to hold the event in and will announce details soon. The date will still be in the fall, probably September. If you want to reserve a booth, you can contact me now to do so. Payment will be accepted as soon as a facility is contracted and dates and prices are confirmed. This year’s show was postponed due to a lack of deposits from exhibitors, even though I had reservations from more exhibitors than last year. The economy hit us all hard, so I am starting earlier to prepare for next year and establishing new ways to make it profitable for vendors and exhibitors.
Also, the Snare Drum Olympics is ON for 2014! There are some new publicity perks for entrants that will be announced soon. If you want to enter your snare drum(s), you can contact me now and I’ll add you to the list. Payment will be accepted when details are confirmed.
Will you be at Pasic? We will be roaming the halls and hope to bump into you!
My last bit of news is very personal. My good friend Rusty Young, leader of the band Poco, is retiring after 45 years of being the only member of Poco to perform at every concert and play on every recording Poco ever did. Rusty is turning 68 soon and ready to take it easy at his beautiful log cabin home in the Mark Twain national forest, write his memoirs, play with his and his lovely wife Mary’s grandchildren and do some fishing. So Poco is winding down and our last tour date is in February.
I have been very fortunate to play drums for this band on tour and on recordings for the last 9 years. I listened to Poco records in high school and learned George Grantham’s drum licks. I never, in my wildest dreams, imagined that I would actually be a member of Poco. It is the biggest feather in my cap.
Forty five years is a rare feat for a band. Poco was one of the handful of bands that invented country rock in the late sixties, and had members who later went on to play in subsequent bands like the Eagles, Loggins and Messina, and the Souther, Furay, Hillman band. Besides writing and singing a number one hit song, Crazy Love, Rusty was recently inducted into the Steel Guitar Players Hall of Fame and is known for advancing the art of steel guitar as a rock and roll instrument.
What a career! Congratulations, Rusty, and I am very proud of you. I’ll miss the concerts.
George's Signature
(330) 338-6035