Facebook Drum Groups
Wondering where the vintage and custom drummers hang out now? FaceBook! There are some great facebook drum groups online. I subscribe to about 200 of them ranging from vintage drum type groups to drummers from certain cities. Some have thousands of members. These have not taken the place of drum forums but there are more Facebook groups on line than forum sites now. Just type in your interest, or just type in drummers into the Facebook search box and all sorts of groups will come up. Nashville Drummers is a closed group for working drummers in Nashville. It has 950 members that I am very involved with. There is another sister open group called Drummers of Nashville that anyone can join. There are similar groups in most cities and countries. Vintage and Custom Drums is an open group that NSMD started and administers. Our regular FB page is Not So Modern Drummer which has a lot of vintage content as well; swing by Nashville Drum Show for our official Facebook page and info center. I posted today on the Rogers Drums group in reply to Harry Cangany’s request to start a database of Rogers Dynasonic snare drum serial numbers, owners, anomalies, etc. Here is another group, Custom Drum Builders where I just put in my two cents about bearing edge sound characteristics. Bryan Herrman has a new group called Vintage Drummers that is really picking up steam. So that’s the real world stuff that’s happening on Facebook. Not on Facebook yet? Then you are an old fuddy duddy who probably waited years to get a cel phone and texting. Jump in, the water’s fine.
Do you know of others that we missed? We're sure there's more. Let us know and we'll start a directory here on the NSMD website.
“I didn’t know you did that!”
A friend of mine who subscribes to our monthly newsletter emailed me the other day and asked if I knew where to go for an “official” appraisal of his drum gear for his insurance company. When I told him that I write such appraisals regularly he was surprised to know that I did. A lot of what I and Not So Modern Drummer do isn't listed in bold letters on the front of the newsletter or the website but, yes, we do instrument appraisals, brokering of vintage and modern instruments, repair and drum building, sales of drum building tools and parts, marketing services like videos, email blasts websites and branding, distribution for percussion products... AND we publish specialty books about drums.
Drum Show Update
100 of 157 booths have been sold. The show will probably sell out over the next four months, so act now if you want to exhibit. We’ve signed on Bun E. Carlos and Rich Redmond for performance/clinic. The infamous drum lines from Nashville high schools will compete in a drum line battle. Also we have signed up many famous Nashville Drummers for the “Nashville Studio and Touring Drummers In The Round.” You can buy advance tickets at a discount AND qualify for the exclusive raffle prize for advance ticket buyers only.
2014 Nashville Drum Show and Snare Drum Olympics, Sept. 20 & 21, at the Nashville Expo Center. www.nashvilledrumshow.com
George's Signature
(330) 338-6035 george@notsomoderndrummer.com