Happy New Year... now get back to work!
The date and location of the 2014 Nashville Drum Show has been confirmed. The dates are September 20 and 21. The venue is the Global Mall Event Center in Antioch, a suburb of Nashville. More details to follow. Keep an eye on nashvilledrumshow.com. We are accepting reservations for exhibitor booths and for advanced tickets. Please email info@nashvilledrumshow.com for more information.
Announcing a new event at the Drum Room, our Not So Modern Drummer headquarters here in Nashville TN. We are hosting the Nashville Drummers Swap Meet, Wednesday, January 8, from 1 until 8 pm. Attendance capacity is limited so we are not publishing the address, so if you are not a member of the professional Nashville Drummers Facebook Group and would like to attend please drop us a line - george@georgesdrumshop.com. There is no admission, no booth fees, and no fees of any kind. It is a completely free event. What goes on at a drum swap meet? Buying, selling, trading of used drum gear and other musical gear, refreshments will be served, and a lot of drummer camaraderie will ensue.
In this issue, for your viewing pleasure, are more beautiful vintage and custom drums and a review of an unusual drum set made by Bello. I am also excited to welcome aboard two new writers who are well known in the vintage and custom drum world.
Robert Campbell, who has a serious collection of rare and collectable snare drums, shares with us the story of his Ludwig & Ludwig 1928 Gold Triumphal Snare Drum with engraved Wild Rose pattern, a rare bird indeed. The story involves Steve Maxwell, Bun E. Carlos and cites Mike Currotto and John Aldridge.
Our other new writer, Nick Hopkins, owner of Nick Hopkins Drums, a vintage drum shop in the U.K. Nick’s first article is about Premier drums from the seventies era. Thanks, Nick, we have needed an English correspondent.
Ronn Dunnett, well known drumsmith and owner of Dunnett Classic Drums and George Way Drums contributed a beautiful picture of one of George Way’s early instruments.
Also several great contributions from readers and press releases from the drum industry in the popular “Whatcha Got?” section.
Thanks for reading and remember, the drummer with the prettiest drum set gets the gig!
George's Signature
(330) 338-6035 george@notsomoderndrummer.com