There is a new, free classified ads section on the website that I am excited about. When NSMD first started, it was a free classified ads paper for drummers to buy/sell/trade vintage, used, and custom drums. It was the Ebay of its day for used and vintage drum trading nationally and internationally. I don’t know about you, but I am tired of Ebay’s constantly increasing fees, limitations and restrictions; you don’t know the name of the person you are dealing with, you can’t take checks or money orders through Ebay anymore, they charge you multiple fees for posting, final value and PayPal, (you are forced to use Paypal which Ebay owns), and there is no recourse to negative feedback, etc. etc. Ebay has become “the man.” Craigslist is not much better because you can’t list in multiple cities, and you have buyers you don’t know coming to your house. And they both use anonymous email addresses.
The new NSMD Free Classifieds will address those issues. First, it’s free- YAY! Second, we are requiring all buyers and sellers to use their real names or business names and contact info. Third, we stay out of the middle and all communication is between the buyer and seller. The main advantage to listing your gear for sale here is that it is the most targeted audience for the drum market. 30,000 drummers, all drum addicts to some degree. It will be a trusted drum community market.
The Nashville Drum Show next September 20-21 is really shaping up. If you are considering renting a booth you need to act now while space is available. Registration forms are on the website now. We have already booked returning exhibitors and many new exhibitors. Space will run out at some point so contact us. We had announced in January that the show moving to a new facility but we ran into some logistics obstacles there, so we decided to remain at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds Expo Center. The show will be much bigger this year. We just decided this past week to book a second adjacent hall – so we have one 21,000 square ft hall for exhibitors and one 10,500 square ft. hall for performances, events and clinics. There will also be two outside playing areas where vendors and attendees can set up their gear for loud playing. Fork’s Drum Closet is returning this year and will be the official sales dealer booth for most of the major manufacturers. You can get all show information and buy discounted advance tickets at www.nashvilledrumshow.com
Introducing a new monthly columnist– veteran drum collector Bob Campbell is writing “Every Drum Tells a Story.” The first installment is about my personal Not So Modern Drum Company Black Beauty that I had John Aldridge engrave. I sold it to Bob recently and it has an interesting story.
How am I doing? I need your feedback. Since I switched it from the quarterly print magazine to a monthly email newsletter, Not So Modern Drummer has undergone a lot of changes since 2012. It grew from less than 2,000 subscribers to over 30,000! I’d like to hear from you if you have any suggestions, criticisms, complaints about the content. I get a lot of nice emails from readers that are very complimentary but I need to hear the other side too. Are the articles to your liking? Are the newsletter and the website where the articles sit easy to navigate? Does my production manager need a raise? (sorry, George, I couldn't help it...) Is your steak cooked to your satisfaction? Please let me know how you feel about Not So Modern Drummer. I read your emails, I really do. And if you call, you’ll get the owner – me!
Thank You. Now go practice.
George's Signature
(330) 338-6035 george@notsomoderndrummer.com