DrumSellers.com - Not So Modern Drummer's new buy/sell/trade site

We invite you to belong to this new meeting place, WWW.DrumSellers.com. Drums Only. The "D-Bay" of Drums. No listing fees. 3.5% commission only if it sells. Individuals, retailers, drum builders, manufacturers are all welcome to sell. Please click on the link and browse around. We are just starting to please sign up as a seller and help us populate our community marketplace.

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'Retro Report' CD featuring Mike Clark & Delbert Bump...release date April 6

“He’s a great jazz drummer—and he hasn’t lost any of the stuff that he brought from Oakland. So now he’s totally free to do both, and he does. The solo he played on the album Thrust, on the song “Actual Proof,” is one of the best drum solos on any of my albums. So many people have remarked about that solo, saying, ‘Incredible.’

-Herbie Hancock

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Ryan Brown: Pure Genius

Ryan Brown’s gift is in his undying passion for all things Zappa. He has been a fan of the music from his earliest formative years behind the drum set. It is obvious upon hearing him perform that he has dedicated many hours to learning the Zappa repertoire. Dweezil’s band draws from all eras of Zappa, from Freak Out through Roxy and Elsewhere and One Size Fits All, up to Zappa’s later material in the 80’s. They even stop off at some 200 Motels along the way. The repertoire is constantly being expanded with new material for every tour. The exuberance of diving deep into the Zappa vault is seen in Ryan’s face when he performs classic and somewhat obscure numbers such as Holiday in Berlin and Rollo. These are tunes for the hardcore fans, of which he is perhaps the biggest.

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Recollections: Buddy Rich - Chapter Twelve

Not So Modern Drummer continues to celebrate the legendary Buddy Rich in 2017. Recognizing the 100th anniversary of his birth… Contributing their personal recollections and commentary on Buddy Rich are Billy Arnold, Jason Bittner, Sue Hadjopoulos, and Rick Shlosser… With additional comments by Not So Modern Drummer owner and editor – George Lawrence

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