I need a tensioner and a damper for a premier 2000 snare
Read moreRip off alert
My friends, I am seeking the help of anyone that may have information on some missing gear. Unfortunately, my drum storage area was robbed and a lot of stuff was taken. So far, this is what I know has been taken
Read moreWhat do I have here?
Hello, I stumbled onto your site and I'm pleased I have I must say. I have a very old (I think) Ludwig 28" x 14" I believe, but measuring from outside of each hoop the overall width is 16".
Read moreLyon And Healy 1909 military snare drum
This is a Lyon and Healy early 1900s Antique Military snare drum that dates to around 1909. This drum began its journey in Chicago - manufactured at the Lyon and Healy factory & salesroom located 213, 214, and 217 South Canal Street on the corner of State & Monroe back in the day per label inside the drum shell.
Read more1977 Ludwig engraved Black Beauty
The 1977 Black Beauties were the first ones Ludwig had made since 1940. They were offered in 14"X5" and 14"X6.5" with a p-85 throw, and also Ludwig offered these in Super Sensitive model too. The shell was made of a single sheet of brass drawn and spun into a seamless construction. The black chrome plating gave it the striking appearance. These drums were provided with the Blue and Olive badge and an internal muffler. Factory machine engraving was offered in 1979. These 1970s Black Beauties are great collector drums.
1925-30 Leedy 5x14 #704E Black Elite Model snare drum - not engraved
Here’s the latest snare drum to enter into the collection. This drum was willed to me by a good friend who had passed away a few years ago. My friend’s wife was ready to sell some of his snare drums and she told me that her husband had specified that I was to be contacted in order to help her sell the drums. The drum in this article was originally found in “as is” condition in an antique store many years ago by my friend’s mother. The drum is in 100 % original factory condition.
Read more1964 Special order Ludwig Club Date set
This month's kit is a beautiful Ludwig Club Date from 1964. As you can see, it's Sparkling Red Pearl which is fitting for Valentine's Day. This kit came to me from a great vintage drum dealer out of the Midwest - Randy Houck Vintage Drums. He has amazing kits from all manufacturers and was a pleasure to do business with.
Read more1936 Ludwig & Ludwig 6.5 x 14 WMP/Chrome Silver Anniversary Super Sensitive Model
I rarely sell or trade my snare drums but this was an easy deal. The drum that I traded to Mark was a 1920s-30s Gretsch Emerald Green Pearl American Model. Mark is Mr. Sea Green Pearl and has the matching Gretsch EGP bass drum so I was happy to be able to help him get the matching snare drum and in turn Mark added another rare snare drum to my collection.
Read moreHistory and Development of the Early Snare Strainer, 1889 - 1920
The first working snare release with a lever mechanism was patented in 1889. The invention was that of Ellwood E. Fry of Brooklyn, New York
Read more1965 Ludwig "Superbeat" in oyster blue pearl
This is one of those kits that you dream of finding and it actually found me. I run an ad on the local Craig’s List looking for vintage drums. One day I get an email from an older gentleman telling me about this kit he may want to sell......
Read more1929-30 Ludwig Ralph Smith Drum Outfit
In my relentless pursuit of vintage drums, I came across an interesting Ebay listing: “Early 1900's Vintage Ludwig Drums, Black Beauty Snare, Zildjian, Zenjian Cymbals”. While the pictures weren’t very sharp, I could definitely see a 1920s-1930s engraved Ludwig Black Beauty in what appeared to be the original case. There were four cymbals, a bass drum and clearly a bunch of assorted hardware, all in De Luxe finish. Normally, I just collect snare drums but in this instance, I decided to make an exception. So I pulled the trigger.
Read moreBlood Sports and Game Cocks
Completely constructed of thick cut ash, this sturdy relic from the birth period of our American nation is wonderfully preserved, as should be in the case of such an early, historical piece. Formally of a New England estate, this very unique drum must have been recognized for the role it must have played during a very special time in history, and thus carefully protected from the destructiveness of time and abuse.
Read more1970s Ludwig congas, sky blue pearl
The drums I have chosen from my collection to show you this month is a cool set of Ludwig Congas.They are not the best sounding congas you will ever hear, but they are definitely the coolest. I have always liked the conical congas like Ricky played on the "I Love Lucy Show".
Read more1934 Slingerland 5x14 sparkling green/artgold Artist model
Slingerland’s Sparkling Green finish was first introduced around 1934. I have seen my share of Sparkling Green/Green Sparkle finishes from the 1930s and this drum shell is one of the cleanest versions that has ever come my way. “Cancer free”. The finish cleaned up and polished up nicely. The solid maple shell interior is very clean. The cloud badge is also clean with a tight grommet.
Read moreCanopus introduces reproduction of the vintage Ludwig baseball bat muffler
Canopus Drums has been very innovative in new designs of instruments, hardware and parts. Now their newest offering is a much needed improvement on an old classic- the CIM-20 baseball bat internal muffler. It is an exact copy of the baseball bat but with new features. Not So Modern Drummer carries all Canopus products.
Read moreA first hand account of Ringo's auction of drums and personal items that fetched over 9 million dollars
I was prized when Ringo picked up the sticks and started playing the kit. I was standing a few feet in front of him with an astonished look on my face. He began playing the beginning of Come Together and Ringo laughed when he saw me smiling and said “You caught that.” to which I said “Yes I did.” The last time Ringo played that kit as a Beatle was 51 years and nine months ago, truly a magical and historical moment.
Read moreBrush with greatness; I played the Sistine Chapel set on a gig!
This past weekend my band shared the stage with another band at a local festival. The drummer for the other band had the drum set I knew as Bobby Rock's "Sistine Chapel" Peavey drum set. I could hardly believe my eyes.
Read more1970s Ludwig white marine pearl Big Beat kit
"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." I really don't wish for snow in the south. We are really not equipped too handle snow. A small snow storm will shut us right down in Georgia. I do like "the white stuff", though. Not the snow but white drums.
Read moreThrow Off vs. Strainer - which is it?
"I've heard a throw off referred to as a strainer? Why? Ahem.....from one who has spent way too much time studying and being baffled the antiquities of membranophones..... In my opinion, a strainer and a throw off are two different terms describing two different things, but are used interchangeably to describe the throw off mechanism.
Read moreThe most expensive drumhead in the world!
Valencia, CA- On November 7, 2015, the drumhead from the Beatles’ Ed Sullivan debut was sold at Julien’s auction in Beverly Hills, CA, for $2.125 million.
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