There are some major changes in the works for Not So Modern Drummer and Long range plans are to combine certain aspects and functions of both sites to add new features that will be very useful to our subscribers and readers. One is to allow the latest articles and latest sales listings to be received in monthly, weekly or daily updates. Another undertaking will be to have all articles since day one, November 1988, digitized and available online categorized by month published, and and by brand or type - Ludwig, Slingerland, Gretsch, repair, custom drums, legendary drummers, ads, product reviews, etc. This will make searching for information on vintage drums more accessible.
So, I am on the hunt to hire a website developer to build a new and more robust site for This is not going to be a simple wordpress or squarespace platform, but will require advanced developer and coding skills. The present site is built by the ShareTribe company using Ruby on Rails code. I have had one proposal from CodeBrew Labs to develop the site using Angular. If you have a recommendation of a person in North America you know to be qualified, please email me .
And, I am looking for volunteers to help digitize past print issues and articles, as well as tag them by brand, model, type, etc. I am also looking to buy a complete set of Not So Modern Drummer back issues, or at least the issues that I do not have in hand. The 30 or so issues I have can be seen at .
I will not be attending or exhibiting at the Las Vegas Drum Show, the Chicago Drum Show, the Music City Drum Show or any other drum shows this year as I work on finishing and publishing my book, “Life’s Little Drumming Lessons”. There is a new link on the site: The calendar of Drum Shows. Please submit any upcoming drum shows anywhere in the world.Thanks,
FYI, All comments on articles on the NSMD site will now have to be approved before they are posted.This should not take more than 24 hours for every comment. This is because of one immature stalker/flamer type who could not refrain from making obscene school yard insults to others and trying to provoke political arguments. So, we went ten years on this site without having to moderate comments, then one anonymous troll with no self control has ruined it for everybody. Go practice your drums, dude! You know who you are. The site, the newsletter and the articles are for those who can act like adults. Talk drums or fermez la bouche!