Drum History Podcast - Episode 8 - The History of Ludwig Drums with William F. Ludwig III

Bill Ludwig runs us through the fascinating history of Ludwig Drums! Grandson of the Ludwig founder, William F. Ludwig, his family has had a long and winding history with the Ludwig drum company - founding it in 1909 with a subsequent sale of the company in the early 80's. They

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Serial Number Ranges of “Born Together” Vintage Gretsch Round Badge Drum Sets

Many collectors place a premium on “born together” drum sets - sets which were originally purchased as one unit from the factory or music instrument retailer. This study identifies vintage Gretsch Round Badge sets demonstrated or purported to be born together to establish an objective benchmark for determining that a set of drums was born together.

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The Collector

Strolling Through History - I like to do research, and I can tell you a little bit about each of the drums in my “collection”. Aside from the details of the drums, I've learned a lot about history, culture, tradition ... even economics and interpersonal relationships. It's also broadened my understanding and appreciation of the history and culture behind drums.

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