Tidbits and morsels from that rascal sage, prophet and soothsayer, George Lawrence
Read moreFrom publisher/editor George Lawrence
Bill Ludwig III and George Lawrence at the 30th annual Chicago Drum Show, 2021
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Bill Ludwig III and George Lawrence at the 30th annual Chicago Drum Show, 2021
Tidbits and morsels from that rascal sage, prophet and soothsayer, George Lawrence
Read moreAs a drum historian, Kelli has been collecting vintage and antique drum equipment, method books, photographs, and literature, creating a fine collection of resource material for a deeper understanding of the role her peers from 100 years ago played in the development of the drum set and how those innovations shaped the music we all listen to today. To help document her research, she has created a series of videos that address specific historical drum equipment.
A series about the sound effect instruments used in silent films 100 years ago, at that time known as "moving pictures," with host, Kelli Rae Tubbs and special guest, William F Ludwig III. The
Read moreSeven snare drums were recorded by some real pro Chicago drummers, David Moss and Larry Beers. Tools recorded the sound on his rare Neve 8078 console
Read moreIt's great to welcome Bill Ludwig III back to the NSMD writing staff. Of course, most drummers know that "B3" is the grandson of Ludwig Drum Company founder, Wm. F. Ludwig Senior. He was the artist relations person for the company during the late seventies and eighties. His dad sold that company to Conn Selmer during the eighties. Bill was also the owner and publisher of Not So Modern Drummer during the 2000s. I have been after him for years to write a column and now was a good time for him to start.
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