Drum Shows! February 16 is the date of Joe Gilday’s Delaware Drum Show. If you are in the mid-Atlantic be sure to go. This is an established drum show and is well attended. Not So Modern Drummer is sponsoring one of the door prizes – a collection of thirty back issues of the print copies.
Don’t forget our Nashville Drum Show in September! We just finalized some details and registration for exhibitors is open! Go to NashvilleDrumShow.com for booth information. Attendees will be able to buy discounted advance tickets at the show’s website in the near future. We have added some new features this year; an all star performance by famous Nashville drummers, a drum set solo competition with great prizes for kids and adults, and a world famous clinician (stay tuned).
Snare Drum Olympics! The Snare Drum Olympics contest is underway and the new Snare Drum Olympics site will be up soon. You can call and contact me for details until then. Anyone who builds drums can enter their instruments into the contest and get a great deal of publicity. From major manufacturers to first time builders , the Snare Drum Olympics is a great way to showcase your drums.
A big salute to Bruno Mars for opening the Super Bowl half time show with a drum solo. Outstanding! The numbers say that the half time show had the highest number of tv viewers of all time. Are we gonna see a whole new generations of kids inspired to play like Ringo inspired some of us Baby Boomers? I hope so.
George's Signature
(330) 338-6035 george@notsomoderndrummer.com