The photographer had to tell me to smile! I usually have my frowning, grimacing drummer face on.
So sorry that this July issue is late. When you are driving a one horse wagon, sometimes the horse is going to be too slow to get there on time and sometimes the driver is going to be slow too. I usually upload the month’s articles to the site and then compose the issue to send during the last week of each month. Of course, our air conditioning goes out that week, then the brand new refrigerator goes kaput; no cool air and no cold drinks or popsicles during the Great Heat Wave of 2022! Amazing how much time those kind of minor emergencies take up so much of your time. The good news is the air was fixed yesterday, the replacement fridge is coming and the one horse wagon driver got his first cortisone shot for arthritis in his bass drum foot and is moving a lot faster! Speaking of arthritis, read Bill Ray’s article about dealing with arthritis with his hand stretches for warming up before you play.
Carson Lamm has been working for this summer and has listed several hundred cymbals and snare drums that are consigned to DrumSellers. We still have probably a hundred more cymbals and seventy more snare drums to go. He’s done a great job of taking pictures, researching the different models and comparable prices, writing the descriptions and uploading the listings to the site. Please look at the very desirable vintage cymbals on consignment from Steve Johnson and John Dittrich click here. To see Tom Boyle’s snare collection on consignment click here, and to see John Dittrich’s snares on consignment click here.
We have some great articles from our regular columnists and some new guest writers. I invite anyone to write about their drums and their knowledge of drums. If you are writing about it on Facebook, or Instagram or in the drum forums, you can do the same thing here in Not So Modern Drummer.
There is a wicked fiction short story about a drummer’s fate this month from Joel Rothman that should tickle you. I found out jist how prolific Mr. Rothman is since he started writing and advertising in Not So Modern Drummer. He even sent me some of his humorous children’s books for my grandchildren. All his books are listed and for sale at Thanks, Joel