by Jim Rogers

These are a few of my canister thrones. I have had most of them for many years. I have always used them on every set I own - they all match the finish of a set. All drums and snares match making very complete vintage drum sets.
Gold throne, no badge, unknown brand.
White pearl Slingerland throne - This throne came from one of Buddy Rich’s original drum sets. Has serial number. I’m hoping to find someone that can re-confirm that this was Buddy’s. I got it from someone who had the entire kit. I saw it in person and this was an extra throne with the set. Looking back now I could have gotten the whole set but didn’t - big mistake!
Ludwig 2002 mod orange
Ludwig 2002 psychedelic red
Ludwig blue sparkle
Unknown black oyster
Unknown black
Champagne with red recovered top
Yamaha yellow from a Hip Gig set.
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