Date: Sunday May 19 2024 (rain date May 26)
Location; Main Stage is at organizer George Lawrence’s house at 1370 Vera Cruz ST. 38117, other porches to be announced
Times 2:00 until dark or after or until they shut us down! Fliers will be printed this week. Sandi Rogers is having t shirts made. Contact her to buy.
Performance Schedule:
Main Stage
2:00 House Band “The Sea Isle Pelicans” George Lawrence - drums, Gene Micofsky - guitar and sangin‘, Rob Haynes - Keyboards and sangin’, Zachary Riddick-bass, Andy Wilhite -guitar, other guests sitting in.
4:00 The Double D’s (Douglas & Don) Don Cook, Douglas Banks, and Benny Webber playing and sangin’ some really cool blues.
5:00 Hard Promises, playing the music of Tom Petty. Wes Garner and Andy Wilhite guitars, w the house band
7:00 Polyglamorous - Indie Rock/Dance/Sultry Groove band
Who can play? There are many professional Memphis musicians living in the Sea Isle Park Neighborhood. They will make up the bulk of the talent for this first porchfest. Also amateur musicians are welcome to play, sit in, etc. We are not including solo singers singing w karaoke or tracks. Live instrumentalists and singers only. Musicians from outside the neighborhood are welcome too. If you have a band that wants to play, or you are a musician who wants to sit in, please call George Lawrence to talk about being added to the list 330 338 6035. No sitting in without approval from George. Some refreshments will be provided for performers. P.A. and some mics will be provided. Bring your own mic and mic stand if possible.
Who can host a porch/stage? Any resident of Sea Isle Park. We are looking for a couple of porches to host possible overflow of bands and acoustic performers. Locations bordering Sea Isle Park would be optimal. Chuck Eaves has offered his porch which is directly across from the Park playground. Performers to be updated. Please call George to discuss 330 338 6035. This is the first year so we are not expecting a lot of locations, but next year? - look out!
Who can attend? Anyone! Bring your lawn chairs, tents, blankets, pickanick baskets, etc. Also bring cash to tip the performers’ tip bucket. Venmo QR code for tips will be provided too. All performers are volunteers. Tailgating allowed in designated areas.
Vendors: New Wing Order and Mempops have committed so far. We are looking for other food and refreshment vendors.
Volunteers; We need volunteers for “Roady-ing” (schlepping gear for performers), Volunteers to donate refreshments for the performers, and serve them.
History and Future; During Covid the band I had been playing with, FreeWorld, decide to play in my driveway since Beale Street was closed down and we didn’t have gigs. Just to play and keep our name out there. We did FaceBook live and promoted it on FB. The Sea Isle community came out in force both times we played. I recently went to the Cooper Young Porch Fest to see some friends play and it dawned on me that a porchfest would work well for the greater Sea Isle neighborhood So this was thrown together at the last minute, but it has come together very quickly. NEXT YEAR!!! could only be bigger and better, so this is kind of a test run for this event.