Donating as little as $6 monthly, $20 yearly or whatever one time or scheduled amount you wish to pay will help us pay the overhead expenses. The website and the emailed magazine are free to subscribe to, BUT the monthly expenses we incur in publishing and emailing are not free. So please help us keep this thing going with a few bucks. Pay whatever you can afford. Thanks, George Lawrence
Click the Paypal DONATE button or the Patreon Link above to make a one time or monthly donation with credit or debit card, or your Paypal account
Other ways to donate:
OR with VENMO to @George-Lawrence-6
OR with CASH APP to cash tag: $NotSoModernDrummer , email or cel 330 338 6035
OR with ZELLEPAY to email George@notsomoderndrummer.comm or cel 330 338 6035
OR send check or money order to Not So Modern Drummer, 1370 Vera Cruz St., Memphis TN. 38117
Call 330 338 6035 if you have any problem with these payment forms.